Charsa (10 out of 10 ) Mystery Men is the best. With all those amazing actors and theme. Oh, the plot is amazing too. Oh my gosh, I just love this movie. I have the dvd. The first time I watched part of it was a couple years ago at my aunt's house. I finally got the dvd like earlier last year and I watch it a lot. With William H. Macy, Jaenine Garofalo, Kel Mitchell, Ben Stiller, Paul Reubens, Geoffrey Rush and last but not least Hank Azaria also known as Bartok (lol). Mystery Men spend the last night together saving their city and Captain Amazing (Greg Kinnear).
Jacob Bird (10 out of 10 ) Imagine seeing all of your comic book heroes as total losers. Amazing film, incredibly funny and well written.
Kermit James (1 out of 10 ) Truly, one of the worst scripts and films of its decade. It's one of the most amateurish pieces to ever get real money.
Blue62 (10 out of 10 ) One of the funniest movies I've seen for a long time.
Paul (9 out of 10 ) One of THE most under-rated movies of our time. This movie was GREAT. I don't know why it didn't do well at the box office because everyone I know has seen it and LOVED it.
Totally deserving of a sequel as I bet it has reached cult status as Office Space and others have done post-boxoffice.
Robin (10 out of 10 ) Without a shadow of a doubt Mystery Men is pure win. The movie exudes hilarity and succeeds in doing what so few other parodies do - make light of a genre by producing a movie that I would actually choose to watch above any other film of the aforementioned genre - in this case, Super Hero movies.
An avid comic fan and movie buff, it is not easy for me to pick out a single title that transcends my Top Ten list and enters the watch-ability list (i.e. those few select films I have actually watched more than one day in a row - Last Night at the Roxbury and 300 are the only others at the moment).
Watch this film with an open mind and no preconceptions and you will absolutely love it. It also helps to be a dork!!
Richard (10 out of 10 ) This is my all time favorite SuperHero movie! These underdog heroes reflect on many of us the way we should be. You don't have to be Superman to be a super hero! My only regret is that this is only a movie. An underrated hit and great message to people everywhere.